Dave Rubin is a stand-up comedian, talk show host, and television personality. He is the creator and host of political comedy talk show The Rubin Report, part of Ora TV and formerly of The Young Turks Network.
- Robb Wolf's coffee: neither sugar nor cream, just get some healthy fats in there.
- Joe Rogan was once accused of stealing a bit from the movie Idiocracy.
- Balding? Rogaine may help a bit. Propecia helps a lot but will make your dick fall off. Trade-offs, man.
- Sam Harris has been on the bullseye for social justice warriors, his books Waking Up, The End of Faith, and Islam and the Future of Tolerance: A Dialog are important reading.
- Sam Harris appearance on Secular Talk: Sam Harris On Progressivism, Torture, Religion & Foreign Policy
People Mentioned
- Chris Christie, stillborn Republican presidential candidate.
- Robb Wolf, a famous Paleo Diet advocate.
- Michael Jeffries, Abercrombie & Fitch CEO and quasimodo impersonator.
- Sam Harris, who takes on Social Justice Warriors fearlessly.
- Ayaan Hirsi Ali an anti-islam activist and author.
- (0:00) Right of the bat there is a funny roast on Chris Christie and a discussion on the details of stomach stapling and unhealthy eating.
- (20:00) Lots of talk about balding, hair transplants, rogaine, propecia and the pharmaceutical industry in general.
- (30:00) Discussion about Social Justice Wars and the trouble they represent.
- (53:00) Dave Rubin asks an interesting question how do you decide how much information to put into your brain and how to avoid information overload.